


The ceremony and reception is about a 0.5 mile walk from the nearest bus stop. We recommend taking a ride share to make things a bit easier.

Public Transporation

There are two major public transportation options in the Bay Area, Muni and BART. Muni is a network of buses and trains that can get you around in San Francisco and BART is a network of subways that stop less frequently and travel to Oakland and Berkeley in the East Bay.

It’s worth noting the venue for the ceremony is not near a train station and is about a half mile from the nearest bus stop. The restaurant for the welcome dinner as well as the park are very close to stops on the N Judah train route.

If you’re interested in using public transportation the easiest method will be to use a digital Clipper Card which is compatible with both systems. BART will have card readers before entering the train platform and MUNI will have card readers within the buses and trains.